Friday, April 18, 2008

Journalism lessons in bite-sized chunks

Ted Pease calls himself a professor of interesting stuff. He runs a website at or you can sign up to get a once-a-day posting about journalism/writing/civics. Send a note to

I find these, well, interesting as he says, but they sometimes lead me to other issues and names I want to know more about. At any rate it's a way to learn more without a huge investment of time you don't have.

Today's offering, for example is Timidity:

"Without newspapers, without someone telling us what is happening, all kinds of mischief can occur. It can be pretty serious, such as corporate and government corruption. Of course, unless newspapers really dig for stories, we won't be able to root out shady goings-on. And today, many newspapers seem tame and timid, far from the old newspaperman's challenge to 'comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.'"  A quote from Bangor Maine Daily News columnist Steve Cartwright, 2008

The "old newspaperman" quoted in the quote is Joseph Pulitzer. Look up Pulitzer's platform. It's not really a piece of flooring but a statement about the role of journalists. Pretty inspiring stuff.

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