Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stop the Presses!! Most students believe they deserve A's

Here's an analysis of the editorials you did on the grade you feel you deserve:

Of 18 students:

* 7 wrote that they deserved A's.
*5 wrote that they deserved A-'s
*1 wrote he/she deserved a B
*5 did not do the assignment (not good!)

The techniques used to persuade included:

1. Flattery as in: "I've truly enjoyed this class and I am so happy I discovered journalism."

2. Honesty as in: "I know I have slacked off quite a bit at times, but I try my best to get myself back on track."

3. Mild coercion as in: "If I received lower than an A- in this class I will be very disappointed both in myself and the professor."

4. Favorable self-assessment as in "Although far from achieving the level of journalist, I have been surprised by myself as this is my first journalism class, and (I) already feel leaps and bounds ahead of w(h)ere I was before this semester started."

5. Empathy as in: "It must be hard for a teacher to decide what grades a student should get."

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