Monday, February 4, 2008

Gossip and News

What's the difference between the two and is one all bad and the other all good? Read this and give (that is to say, perhaps, blog about) your point of view.


Brianna said...

I feel that gossip is news. News is defines as any piece of information that has some interest to someone and gossip is everywhere. How many times have you went food shopping, stopped at Target or CVS and during checkout you grab one of the trashy magazines and flip through or even buy? Yeah, that’s what I thought. And in there is all gossip. Gossip sells. It’s news. Now, with new comes gossip. When news stations such as CNN or any local news broadcast station reports stories, afterwards comes gossip. The gossip about the stories. The gossip of wanting to know more, asking questions. -Brianna McHugh

Rosemary Armao said...

Sort of.

Gossip and rumors are interesting, no doubt, but you need to think of it as pre-cursors to news. Take them as tips -- as something that is possibly true and should be checked. But without verification and without talking to the subjects of "gossip" it isn't the real thing.

There is also one meaning given to gossip, usually by those who sanctimoniously maintain that they do not indulge in gossip, of mean-spirited. News should never be mean-spirited. Even when writing about the depraved or criminal, the good journalist seeks to understand and explain -- not judge.